

Anto uses accredited modules to perform one-on-one, workshops, online Micro Expressions Trainings (this includes: The 7 Universal Micro Expression, Deception Detection, and Psychionomy). Training can vary between 3 and 5 days, depending on the needs of the individual or company. Anto also attends international conferences, webinars and is a frequent guest on numerous podcasts.

SCAPE & Advanced SCAPE:

Statement Analysis and Practical Evaluation was refined by Anto to apply to speeches, conversations, interviews, emails, text messages, and any kind of communication that involves linguistic cues. These cues are used in clusters to derive if a person is telling you the truth.

One-on-one trainings are also available, as well as 5-day workshops for groups of maximum 4 people. For a more customized workshop or webinar, please contact Anto directly.


Advanced Interviewing Techniques & Skills (AITS) are divided into 3 modules. In order to direct a successful interview, professional skills and techniques are needed. The 1st module will teach individuals and groups to use these techniques and skills in every day and work scenarios. The 2nd module is a prerequisite to finishing module 1 and is mainly for law enforcement and secret services. The 3rd module concentrates on body language and the interpretation of the different aspects (taking into account the situation and the person/people).


This Advanced Psychology diploma course is perfect if you are looking at a career involving (or requiring) Psychology. Anto knows the importance of gathering information and evaluating the behavior of someone through a controlled experiment, psychoanalysis, or psychotherapy. Anto also administers a behavior assessment test based on the DISC theory of psychologist William Moulton Marston, which centers on four different personality traits which are currently Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. This assessment has been vital for Anto’s clients who are in the Sales sector as the assessment flags who is a good fit and who is not, even helping the candidates choose the right position to apply for in the future.


In this course, you will be taught in a one-on-one or group session how to control your anger with tested and well-researched temper taming techniques.
All aspects of anger are addressed and explained. This course helps the students in corporate and personal capacities.

The emphasis is also on supporting and empowering you to regain control of your life and stop the patterns of damaging behaviors by using our practical tools and methodology. If your behavior is not serving you, then we can help you to change it.

Is your behavior affecting your life or damaging your Work and relationships? If the answer is “Yes” you need to attend Anger Management.


The core course of most communication programs is public speaking, which covers the basic principles of oral communication while preparing students to develop topics, create an organized speech, and deliver it to an audience.

This course also points out the valuable asset of listening. Going hand-in-hand with SCAPE, this certified course is suitable for all sectors, including corporate, law enforcement, and even simply on a personal level.

Anto teaches webinars and workshops where the student can practice the advanced skill of proper listening to obtain perfect communication in life.


Criminal Profiling is one of the most fascinating challenging and interesting careers available in criminal justice and criminology. Popularized by television shows like “The Profiler” and characters like “Hannibal Lecter”, the idea of tracking criminals by studying their motives and methods to develop a picture of who they are is understandably appealing to a lot of people.

Criminal profiling started to become a major focus in the 1970s, and in the decades since then, it has become a common tool in investigating and solving crimes.

Studying Criminal Profiling can assist you to achieve your goal of landing a career as a profiler but this Diploma is not the only education you will need, it will just go hand in hand in any other qualifications that you have attained already.


Forensic profiling is the study of the trace evidence in order to develop information that can be used by authorities. This information can be used to identify suspects and convict them in a court of law.

The term “Forensic” in this context refers to “information that is used in court as evidence” ( Geradts & Sommer 2006 ). The traces originate from criminal or litigious activities themselves. However, traces are information that is not strictly dedicated to the court. They may increase knowledge in broader domains linked to security that deals with the investigation, intelligence, surveillance, or risk analysis ( Geradts & Sommer 2008 ).

Forensic profiling is different from Criminal Profiling, which only refers to the identification of an offender to the psychological profile of a criminal.


Many ask the question: “What an Elucidationist does?”

Let us look at the word Elucidation before we discuss what an Elucidationist does and how you can obtain a Diploma in Elucidation. Elucidation is a noun meaning:

  1. An explanation that makes something clear.
  2. The act of elucidating or that which elucidates, as an explanation, an exposition, an illustration; as, one example may serve for further elucidation of the subject.

When you obtain the Diploma in Elucidation, you will be well equipped with several tools, including Micro Expressions and Interviewing.